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Interaction Ecologies Group

Interaction Ecologies Group - University of Michigan School of Information

In 2018, I was lucky enough to join the Interaction Ecologies Group at University of Michigan. Under the direction of Mark W. Newman and Shriti Raj, I was able to help do research on how providing teens with Type 1 Diabetes with an easy way to view and make sense of the data they have to collect (blood sugar levels, insulin doses, etc.) can positively affect their diabetes management, leading to better self-care.

I spent time that summer working alongside PhD students, professors, and endocrinologists, reading and coding patient interviews, trying to understand how to best help these teens help themselves. I feel very fortunate to have been able to jump into the action, and I was thrilled to be able to take part in writing a research paper, which was then submitted to the 2019 CHI conference, where it received an honorable mention for best paper.

The paper can be found here:

"My blood sugar is higher on the weekends": Finding a Role for Context and Context-Awareness in the Design of Health Self-Management Technology. Shriti Raj, Kelsey Toporski, Ashley Garrity, Joyce M. Lee, Mark W. Newman. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019). 2019.